What is a Right-Handed Hockey Stick?

If you are new to playing hockey or have been playing for a while but are still trying to decide which hockey stick to choose, you may have questions about right-handed hockey sticks. This article will discuss what a right-handed hockey stick is, its components, and how to choose the right one for your game.

What is a Right-Handed Hockey Stick?

Understanding Hockey Stick Handedness

Regarding hockey sticks, “handedness” refers to the side of the body on which a player holds their stick. There are two types of hockey stick handedness: left-handed and right-handed. A left-handed stick is held in the player’s left hand and controlled by their right hand, while a right-handed stick is held in the player’s right hand and controlled by their left hand.

Anatomy of a Right-Handed Hockey Stick

A right-handed hockey stick has several vital components, including the blade, shaft, and grip. The blade is the flat, angled portion of the stick that comes into contact with the puck. The shaft is the long, narrow stick part that connects the blade to the grip. The grip is the part of the stick a player holds onto while playing.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Right-Handed Hockey Stick

When choosing a right-handed hockey stick, there are several factors to consider. These include height, weight, position on the ice, and skill level. Additionally, you will want to consider the flex and curve of the stick, as these will affect your shot accuracy and power.

Different Types of Right-Handed Hockey Sticks

Several types of right-handed hockey sticks are available, including wood, composite, and hybrid sticks. Wood sticks are traditional and offer a natural feel, but they are heavy and less durable than composite sticks. Composite sticks are lightweight and durable, but they can be expensive. Hybrid sticks combine the best of both worlds, offering a blend of wood and composite materials.

How to Properly Hold a Right-Handed Hockey Stick

Properly holding a right-handed field hockey stick is essential for developing good technique and maximizing your control over the ball. Here are the steps to follow to hold a field hockey stick correctly:

Choose the right grip:

There are two main grips used in field hockey: the “V” grip and the “open” grip. The V grip is more commonly used and involves holding the stick with your left hand at the top of the stick and your right hand near the bottom. The open grip involves holding the stick with your right hand at the top of the stick and your left hand near the bottom. Choose the grip that feels most comfortable and natural to you.

Position your hands:

Once you’ve chosen your grip, position your hands on the stick. For the V grip, place your left hand at the top of the stick, with your thumb and first two fingers wrapped around the handle. Place your right hand near the bottom of the stick, with your fingers wrapped around the handle and your thumb resting on the back of the stick. For the open grip, place your right hand at the top of the stick, with your thumb and first two fingers wrapped around the handle. Place your left hand near the bottom of the stick, with your fingers wrapped around the handle and your thumb resting on the back of the stick.

Keep a relaxed grip:

Avoid gripping the stick too tightly, as this can reduce your control over the ball. Instead, keep a relaxed grip on the stick, using your fingers rather than your whole hand to control the stick.

Maintain proper hand positioning:

When holding the stick, make sure your hands are positioned in front of your body, not off to the side. This will help you maintain better control over the stick and the ball.

Practice regularly:

Holding a field hockey stick correctly takes practice, so make sure you’re practicing regularly and working on improving your technique and control.

By following these steps and practicing regularly, you can develop a strong and effective grip on a right-handed field hockey stick and become a more skilled and confident player on the field.

Tips for Maintaining Your Right-Handed Hockey Stick

Store your right-handed hockey stick in good condition in a cool, dry place when not in use. Avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures or moisture, which can damage the stick. Additionally, regularly inspect the stick for any signs of damage or wear, and replace it if necessary.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using a Right-Handed Hockey Stick

If you’re using a right-handed field hockey stick, there are several common mistakes to avoid that can affect your performance on the field. Here are a few of the most important ones:

Gripping the stick too tightly:

Holding the stick too tightly can cause tension in your muscles and reduce your ability to control the ball. Instead, try to hold the stick with a relaxed grip, using your fingers rather than your whole hand to control the stick.

Standing too upright:

When playing field hockey, it’s important to maintain a low center of gravity for balance and stability. Avoid standing too upright or leaning too far forward, as this can affect your ability to move quickly and change direction.

Focusing too much on hitting the ball hard:

While power is important in field hockey, it’s also important to focus on accuracy and control. Instead of always trying to hit the ball as hard as possible, focus on placing the ball where you want it to go and using your stick to guide it.

Not using your non-dominant hand:

When using a right-handed field hockey stick, it’s important to use your left hand to help guide the stick and control the ball. Make sure you’re using both hands effectively, rather than relying solely on your right hand.

Not practicing enough:

Like any sport, field hockey requires practice to improve your skills and technique. Make sure you’re practicing regularly and working on areas where you need improvement, whether it’s stick handling, passing, or shooting.

By avoiding these common mistakes and focusing on proper technique and practice, you can improve your performance with a right-handed field hockey stick and become a more effective player on the field.

How to Improve Your Game with a Right-Handed Hockey Stick

Using the right-handed hockey stick suited to your playing style can help you improve your game. A stick with the right flex and curve will give you more control over the puck and increase your shot accuracy and power. Additionally, using a stick that is the correct length for your height will give you more leverage and control over the puck.

Right-Handed Hockey Sticks for Different Skill Levels

Right-handed hockey sticks come in different sizes and shapes for players of different skill levels. Beginner players may benefit from a stick with a lower flex and less curve, which will help them with their stickhandling and passing. Intermediate and advanced players may prefer a stick with a higher flex and more curve for improved shot power and accuracy.

Best Brands for Right-Handed Hockey Sticks

There are many brands of field hockey sticks available, but some of the best brands for right-handed hockey sticks are:

Grays: Grays is a well-known brand in the field hockey world, and their sticks are known for their quality, durability, and performance. They offer a range of sticks for players of all levels, including options for right-handed players.

STX: While STX is primarily known for its lacrosse equipment, they also make field hockey sticks that are popular among players. Their sticks are known for their lightweight design, comfortable grip, and excellent balance.

TK: TK is a field hockey brand that specializes in sticks, and its products are used by many professional players around the world. Their sticks are known for their innovative design features, such as their carbon-braided technology, which provides extra strength and flexibility.

Adidas: Adidas is a well-known sports brand that offers a range of field hockey sticks for players of all levels. Their sticks are known for their high-quality materials, excellent balance, and innovative design features.

Gryphon: Gryphon is a brand that focuses specifically on field hockey equipment, and its sticks are popular among players of all levels. Their sticks are known for their excellent balance, lightweight design, and unique graphic designs.

Ultimately, the best brand for right-handed hockey sticks will depend on the player’s individual preferences and needs. It is important to choose a stick that feels comfortable and provides the right combination of power, control, and accuracy for your playing style.


Choosing a right-handed hockey stick is essential for improving your game and enjoying the sport. When selecting a stick, consider your height, weight, position, and skill level, as well as the flex, curve, and material of the stick. Properly holding and maintaining your stick can also help improve your performance on the ice.


Is a right-handed hockey stick better for right-handed players? 

Yes, a right-handed hockey stick is designed for right-handed players who control their stick with their left hand.

What is the difference between wood and composite hockey sticks? 

Wood hockey sticks are traditional and offer a natural feel, but they are heavier and less durable than composite sticks. Composite sticks are lightweight and durable, but they can be expensive.

Can I use a left-handed hockey stick if I am right-handed? 

Using a left-handed hockey stick is possible if you are right-handed, but it may feel awkward and uncomfortable. It is recommended to use a right-handed stick if you are right-handed.

How is a right-handed hockey stick the correct length for me? 

The right length for a right-handed hockey stick is typically measured from the ground to your chin when standing in skates. A too-short or too-long stick can affect your performance on the ice.

What is the best way to store my right-handed hockey stick? 

Store your right-handed hockey stick in good condition in a cool, dry place when not in use. Avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures or moisture, which can damage the stick.


Hi, myself Adam John a professional athlete. I love to see sports and always want to find out sports-related all news on my blog. I wish this blog gives you all types of sports news.

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