What Size Field Hockey Stick Do I Need: A Comprehensive Guide.

To determine the size of the field hockey stick you need, consider your height and position. The length of your stick is crucial to your performance on the field.

A field hockey stick is a key piece of equipment necessary for all field hockey players. The length of the stick is an important factor that determines control, agility, and overall performance. In order to choose the right size stick for you, it is important to consider your height and position.

Additionally, the shape of the stick and the material it is made of will also play a role in your performance. In this article, we will explore the different sizes of field hockey sticks and how to select the best one for you. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what size field hockey stick you need.

What Size Field Hockey Stick Do I Need: A Comprehensive Guide.

Credit: www.ncsasports.org

Understanding The Components Of A Field Hockey Stick

Overview Of The Different Parts Of A Field Hockey Stick:

A field hockey stick consists of three main parts: the head, shaft, and grip. Each part plays a crucial role in determining the stick’s performance and overall feel.

Explanation Of Each Component’S Purpose And How It Affects The Stick’S Performance:

  • Head:
  • The head is the flat, curved section of the stick that makes contact with the ball.
  • Its shape and size can affect your control, power, and ability to execute specific skills.
  • A larger head provides a larger sweet spot for hitting the ball, increasing your margin for error.
  • A more pronounced curve can improve your drag flick and aerial skills.
  • Most heads are made of fiberglass, composite material, or wood.
  • Shaft:
  • The shaft is the long, thin section of the stick that connects the head to the grip.
  • Its flexibility and weight can impact your hitting power, ball control, and overall feel for the game.
  • A flexible shaft can provide a softer touch when receiving and passing the ball.
  • A stiffer shaft can provide more power when hitting and tackling.
  • Most shafts are made of carbon fiber, fiberglass, or wood.
  • Grip:
  • The grip is the rubber or tape covering at the end of the shaft that you hold onto during play.
  • Its thickness and texture can affect your comfort, control, and ability to execute specific skills.
  • A thicker grip can provide more cushioning and reduce hand fatigue.
  • A thinner grip can increase your feel for the stick, allowing for more precise movements and skills.
  • Some grips also have a tacky texture to prevent slipping.

Importance Of Selecting The Right Size For Each Component To Ensure The Correct Fit And Performance:

Choosing the right size for each component of your field hockey stick is essential for your game’s success. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Head size:
  • A larger head size is generally recommended for beginners as it provides a larger surface area for hitting the ball.
  • Advanced players may prefer a smaller head for better control and maneuverability.
  • Make sure to check with your league’s rules and regulations regarding head size.
  • Shaft length:
  • The length of your shaft should be based on your height and your position on the field.
  • It’s important to have a comfortable grip on the stick without having to strain or reach too far.
  • Common shaft sizes are 36.5″, 37.5″, and 38.5″.
  • Grip size:
  • The size of your grip should be based on your hand size and playing style.
  • A grip that is too small can cause hand fatigue and reduce control.
  • A grip that is too large can make it difficult to move your hands and execute specific skills.
  • Grip sizes are typically categorized as small, medium, or large.

Selecting the right size components for your field hockey stick can take your game to the next level, so make sure to take the time to find a stick that fits you well and enhances your performance.

Factors To Consider When Selecting The Right Size Field Hockey Stick

Finding the ideal size for your field hockey stick is crucial because it directly impacts your game. Three crucial factors that affect your choice are your height, position, and playing style.

Explanation Of How A Player’S Height, Position, And Playing Style Should Affect The Size Of Their Stick

Height plays a significant role in determining your field hockey stick’s size. Generally, taller players require longer sticks, whereas shorter players use shorter ones. The position of the player is also crucial. Attackers usually prefer shorter sticks as they are lighter and help create quick movements.

Midfielders’ sticks fall somewhere in the middle range, whereas defenders opt for longer sticks to block incoming passes and clear the ball effectively.

A playing style should also be factored in when selecting a stick size. Players who prefer a faster and more agile game can opt for shorter sticks. On the other hand, those who rely on their reach and control the ball with ease benefit from a long stick.

Discussion Of Different Sizes And Their Benefits For Attackers, Midfielders, And Defenders


Attackers require more speed and agility than any other position on the field. Selecting the right stick size plays a crucial role here. Generally, attackers prefer shorter sticks, which enable quick, precise movements. A stick size ranging from 34-36 inches is ideal, as it helps maneuver the ball easily around defenders.


Midfielders fulfill the dual role of attacking and defending, so picking the right size for their stick is crucial. Choosing a stick between 35-37 inches grants more control over the ball during dribbling. It also helps cover more ground while running.

The size of the stick will usually depend on the player’s preference and body measurements.


Defenders use their sticks to block incoming passes, clear the ball and tackle other players. They usually opt for a stick between 36-38 inches. This size optimizes their reach for intercepting passes and defending their area. A longer stick also helps defenders hit the ball out of the back and control the clearances from crucial positions.

Choosing the right size of the field hockey stick is critical to your game. Your body height, position, and playing style will determine which stick size you should purchase. As there are various sizes available, pick one that comfortably suits your playing needs.

How To Measure Yourself For The Correct Field Hockey Stick Size

Field hockey sticks come in various sizes and selecting the correct one will enhance your performance. However, determining the right field hockey stick size can be troublesome, especially if you’re a newbie. In this comprehensive guide, we will explain how to measure yourself to get the appropriate stick size to play field hockey like a pro.

So, let’s dive into it.

Step-By-Step Instructions For Measuring Height And Arm Length To Determine The Correct Size

Here is the step-by-step guide on how to measure yourself for the correct field hockey stick size.

Measuring Height

To measure your height, follow the steps below:

  • Stand up straight with your back against the wall.
  • Place a ruler or a tape measure flat against your head and stand tall.
  • Get someone to mark the spot where the ruler or the tape measure reaches the wall.
  • Record the measurement in centimeters or inches.

Measuring Arm Length

The arm length measurement will let you determine the length of the field hockey stick. Follow the instructions below.

  • Spread your arms out to your sides and make sure to maintain a straight and upright position.
  • Ask someone to measure the distance from your left-hand fingertip to your right-hand fingertip.
  • Record the measurement in centimeters or inches.

Explanation Of How Each Measurement Affects The Selection Process

For selecting the right size of field hockey stick that suits you the most, take into account both height and arm length measurements.

Height Measurement

  • Players who measure up to 5 feet (150cm) tall should choose a stick that is 28 inches to 31 inches long.
  • Players who measure up to 5 feet 3 inches (160cm) tall should choose a stick that is 32 inches to 33 inches long.
  • Players who are between 5 feet 4 inches (163cm) and 5 feet 7 inches (170cm) tall should go for a stick that measures between 34 inches and 35 inches in length.
  • Players who are 5 feet 8 inches (172cm) or taller should choose a stick that measures at least 36.5 inches in length.

Arm Length Measurement

The arm length measurement is vital to determine the right length of the field hockey stick.

  • Players who measure less than 28 inches in arm span should choose a 28-inch field hockey stick.
  • Players who measure between 28 and 29 inches in arm span should choose a 30-inch field hockey stick.
  • Players who measure between 30 and 31 inches in arm span should choose a 32-inch field hockey stick.
  • Players who measure between 32 and 33 inches in arm span should choose a 34-inch field hockey stick.
  • Players who measure 33 inches or more in arm span should choose a 35-inch field hockey stick.

Getting the correct size of the field hockey stick is crucial to improve your performance while playing the game. Remember to consider both height and arm span measurements to select the right size that will enhance your gameplay.

Common Field Hockey Stick Sizing Mistakes To Avoid

What size field hockey stick do I need: a comprehensive guide is a vital topic for all field hockey players. A common mistake that players make is selecting the wrong size stick, which can negatively affect their performance. In this section, we will explore some of the common field hockey stick sizing mistakes to avoid.

Overview Of Common Mistakes Made When Selecting A Stick Size

It is crucial to select the right stick size as it can help improve your game and prevent injuries. Some of the common mistakes made by players while choosing their stick sizes are:

  • Choosing a stick too long or too short for their height and playing position.
  • Not considering stick weight and shape.
  • The wrong grip size, which can result in decreased control and power.
  • Not considering their specific playing style, such as attackers, midfielders, or defenders.

Explanation Of How These Mistakes Can Negatively Impact A Player’S Performance

Selecting a wrong-sized stick can negatively impact your game performance. For example:

  • A stick that is too long can reduce your control and dribbling ability, and become harder to maneuver quickly while on the field.
  • A smaller stick can lead to incorrect posture, and back problems and limit your reach, making it more challenging to tackle the ball.
  • The incorrect grip size may cause discomfort and blisters and decreases control, which also results in a lack of power and accuracy while hitting the ball.
  • Not considering playing position and related playing style could lead to difficulties in grip, control, and reach, and overall affect your game performance negatively.

Selecting the correct-sized stick for your playing style and position is crucial for all field hockey players. Not doing so can put you at a disadvantage on the field, and even cause long-term injury. Therefore, it is always best to consult with a professional coach or an expert before making your decision.

Frequently Asked Questions Of What Size Field Hockey Stick Do I Need

What Length Should My Field Hockey Stick Be?

The length of your field hockey stick should generally fall between your hip and ankle bone.

How Do I Know What Weight Stick To Choose?

Choose a stick that you can comfortably handle and move with ease to improve speed and control.

Does The Level Of Play Affect Stick Size?

Yes, different levels of play may have regulations on stick length, so be sure to verify before purchasing.


Finding the right size field hockey stick is crucial to enhance your game experience and improve your gameplay technique. It is recommended that beginners should select a shorter stick, while more experienced players should select a longer one. Measuring the stick to your body size and preferred position of play is important to ensure comfort and proper handling.

Keep in mind the different materials used to make the stick and the shape of the head to find one that suits your playing style. It is also important to consider the level of flexibility and strength the stick possesses to impact your strikes and ball control.

Taking the time to determine the perfect field hockey stick size for you can drastically improve your gameplay and increase your chances of success on the field. Keep these factors in mind and start enjoying playing with your perfect field hockey stick.


Hi, myself Adam John a professional athlete. I love to see sports and always want to find out sports-related all news on my blog. I wish this blog gives you all types of sports news.

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