When Did Blocking a Serve in Volleyball Become Illegal? Unveiling the Timeline

Blocking a serve in volleyball has been illegal since 1998. Before this, players were allowed to block the serve.

However, the rule was changed to make it easier for the receiving team to score a point, leading to more exciting games. Volleyball has long been one of the world’s most popular sports. Like many sports, it has undergone several changes to its rules over the years.

One such change was made in 1998 when it became illegal to block a serve in volleyball. Prior to this rule change, players were allowed to block serves, which made it more difficult for the receiving team to score a point. By making this change, the game became more exciting, as it allowed the receiving team to gain an advantage and score more points. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the rule change and exploring its impact on the sport.

When did Blocking a Serve in Volleyball Become Illegal? Unveiling the Timeline

Credit: www.csis.org

Introduction To Blocking A Serve In Volleyball

Volleyball is an exciting team sport that involves two teams each with six players who rally the ball across the net back and forth over a high net. It’s a fast-paced game that requires quick reflexes, agility, team coordination, and strategies for winning.

One of the most crucial skills that a player must possess is blocking, which is the defensive movement in which a player jumps and extends their arms over the net to prevent the ball from crossing to their team’s side.

We’ll learn more about the importance of blocking a serve in volleyball.

Explanation Of The Game Of Volleyball

Volleyball is a dynamic game that originated in the united states in the late 1800s. It’s a team sport played with a lightweight ball, and each team has to keep the ball from touching the ground in their court while trying to send it over the net to the opponent’s court.

The objective of the game is to win points by making the ball hit the opponent’s court, making it impossible for the opponent to return the ball.

Importance Of Blocking In Volleyball

Blocking is a key aspect of a team’s defensive strategy in volleyball. As such, it’s an essential skill that players must master to succeed in the game. Here are some reasons why blocking is vital:

  • Prevent points: One of the key benefits of blocking is that it helps prevent the opponent from scoring points. By blocking the opponent’s attacks, a player can force the opponent to change their strategy, thus reducing their chances of scoring points.
  • Easier defense: Effective blocking makes it easier for the defense team to control the ball and initiate their own attacks. By blocking the ball, the defense team can stop the play, allowing their team to organize itself for the next rally.
  • Enhances teamwork: Since blocking is a team technique, it fosters teamwork amongst players. Everyone has to work together to ensure that the block is successful, and the opponent’s attacks are stopped.
  • Psychological impact: A successful block can have a positive psychological impact on both the blocker and the team. The blocker’s confidence and morale are boosted, while the opponent’s morale may be affected, leading to a less aggressive attack.

Blocking is one of the critical strategies in volleyball, mainly when it comes to defense. It’s important that teams and individual players practice and master this technique to succeed in the game.

Early Days Of Volleyball

Historical Background Of Volleyball

Volleyball was first invented by William g. morgan in Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA in 1895. It was originally known as “mignonette”. The game was created so that people would have a less physically demanding alternative to basketball. In the early days, there were no professional players, and the game was mostly played for fun.

However, as the sport grew in popularity, players started to become more competitive and began to use different techniques to win.

Evolution Of Blocking In Volleyball During The Early Days

Blocking is a fundamental part of volleyball, and it is one of the techniques that players use to prevent the opposing team from scoring points. In the early days of volleyball, blocking was not a common technique. This was because there was no clear rule on whether or not it was legal to block a serve.

Instead, players would try to hit the ball with their hands in an attempt to gain control of it and score points. However, as the sport evolved, players started to realize the importance of blocking, and it became an essential part of the game.

First Documented Rules On Blocking A Serve

The first documented rules on blocking a serve were introduced in 1916. These rules suggested that blocking a serve should be legal as long as the ball was traveling downwards. This meant that players could not block a serve if it was traveling upwards.

However, this rule was changed in 1920 when the international volleyball federation was formed. The federation introduced a new rule that allowed players to block a serve regardless of the direction it was traveling.

The early days of volleyball were marked by the game’s creation and the gradual evolution of the techniques used to play it. Blocking was not always a legal technique due to there being no clear rule on it in the early days of the sport.

Emergence Of Blocking A Serve As Illegal

Timeline Of Changes In Blocking Rules In Volleyball

Volleyball has been played for many years, and during its evolution, various changes have emerged in its rules. One of these changes occurred concerning blocking a serve. The following timeline notes when these modifications came into effect.

  • Blocking was prohibited without touch in 1956
  • Two blocking hits were allowed in 1964
  • The asymmetric disposition of fingers became illegal in 1972
  • In 1999, blocking from the opposite side of the net became allowed
  • Blocking the service was prohibited in 2001

Reasons For Making Blocking A Serve Illegal

The reasons for making blocking a serve illegal can typically include protecting the server and increasing the pace of the game. Here are the reasons why this rule came into practice:

  • Increase the speed of the game
  • Help improve server performance
  • Prevent players from getting hurt
  • Encourage offensive plays

Historical Events That Led To The Rule Change

Several events in the history of volleyball have led to the rule changes regarding blocking. Here are some of them:

  • In the 1940s, servers started serving the ball with more power and accuracy than typically seen before, making it difficult for the opposition to return the ball.
  • Players became taller and more athletic, allowing them to block serves successfully.
  • In the 1980s, the sport’s governing body (fivb) perceived that blocking the serve was slowing the game down and making it less visually appealing to viewers.
  • The fivb noted that this rule could prevent injuries to players who could get hit on the head while attempting to block a serve.

With these key points in mind, it is essential to understand that volleyball has had a rich history full of changes that have impacted the game’s rules. Blocking a serve is just one of these changes that can hinder or help a team’s performance, depending on how skilled they are at performing this play.

Impact Of The Rule Change

When did it become illegal to block a serve in volleyball

Volleyball has come a long way since it was first invented in 1895. The initial game had very few rules, and over the years, changes have been made to respond to emerging trends and technologies. One such change that has revolutionized the way volleyball is played is the rule that made it illegal to block a serve.

We’ll delve into the impact of this rule change.

Changes In The Game Of Volleyball After The Rule Change

The rule that made blocking a serve illegal was introduced in 2001 and has had a significant impact on the game of volleyball. Some of the changes that have been observed include:

  • Longer rallies: With blocking no longer allowed, the server has a better chance of putting the ball in play. This has led to longer rallies, which in turn makes the game more exciting and unpredictable.
  • Faster serve speed: Servers can now hit the ball with more power as they don’t have to worry about the opposing team blocking their serve. Consequently, serve speeds have increased, making the game more thrilling for viewers.
  • A shift in strategy: Since blocking a serve is no longer an option, teams have had to come up with new strategies to gain a competitive edge. One such strategy is to focus more on reception and defense, as these are essential in keeping the ball in play.

Techniques Developed By Players To Adapt To The New Rule

The new rule made it illegal to block a serve, but it didn’t mean that players were rendered helpless. In fact, many players saw it as an opportunity to develop new techniques that could give them an advantage. Here are some of the techniques that have emerged:

  • The float serve: The float serve is a serve technique that doesn’t involve spin. Instead, the ball is hit so that it moves randomly, making it harder for the opponent to control it. This technique has become increasingly popular since the rule change.
  • The jump float serve: The jump float serve is similar to the float serve, but it’s executed while the server is jumping. This gives the ball more power and speed, making it harder for the receiver to control.
  • The jump serve: The jump serve is a more aggressive serve technique that involves jumping and hitting the ball with a lot of force. It’s a risky move, but with the rule change, it has become a viable option for many players.

The Role Of Training In Efficient Gameplay In Relation To The Rule Change

Since the rule change, training has become more critical than ever before in the game of volleyball. Coaches have had to come up with new training methods to help players adapt to the new rules. Here are some of the ways training has evolved:

  • Focusing on serving accuracy: With the new rule prohibiting blocking a serve, the accuracy of serves has become more critical. Coaches are now spending more time training players to hit the ball with precision and to target specific areas of the court.
  • Developing better defense strategies: With the emphasis on reception and defense, coaches are now training players on how to be more efficient in these areas. This includes improving footwork, reaction time, and blocking.
  • Incorporating technology into training: Technology has played a significant role in volleyball training, with video analysis being one of the most useful tools. Coaches can use video to identify areas of improvement and work with players to refine their technique.

The Current State Of The Rule

When did it become illegal to block a serve in volleyball

Volleyball is a common sport that is widely played all over the world. One of its most exciting aspects is the blocking of serves, which can make or break a team’s ability to score points. However, like many other sports, volleyball has rules that aim to promote fairness between the teams.

One of these rules is the prohibition of blocking a serve. In this blog post, we will explore the current state of the rule, recent developments, and the future of blocking a serve in volleyball.

Recent Developments In The Blocking Rule Of Volleyball

The rule against blocking a serve in volleyball was first introduced in 1999. Since then, there have been updates and clarifications to the rule. Here are some recent developments that have taken place:

  • In 2019, the international volleyball federation (fivb) introduced a new rule that allows the server to step on or over the back-line after releasing the ball. This change was made to make it easier for servers to serve the ball more accurately.
  • The fivb has clarified that a player cannot legally touch the ball until after the server has made contact with it.
  • In some tournaments, such as the Olympics, players are permitted to jump and block the serve, as long as they do not touch the ball before it crosses the net

Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of The Rule In Promoting Fairness In The Sport

The rule against blocking a serve is designed to ensure that the server has an opportunity to make a successful serve. Preventing the receiving team from blocking the serve, promotes fairness in the game. The rule is also aimed at making the game more exciting by allowing the server to have a better chance of scoring.

However, some argue that the rule has some disadvantages and does not always promote fairness. For example, the server has an advantage because it can decide when and how to serve the ball, and the receiving team cannot block it.

The Future Of Blocking A Serve In Volleyball

It is difficult to predict the future of the rule against blocking a serve in volleyball. While the rule might be necessary to promote fairness in the game, there are also some disadvantages to consider. The fivb is continually reviewing and updating the rules of volleyball to make the sport better.

Whether or not the rule against blocking a serve will remain in place or undergo change will depend on the decisions of the fivb.

The rule against blocking a serve in volleyball has been around for over two decades. It aims to promote fairness in the game by preventing the receiving team from blocking the serve. While there are some disadvantages to the rule, it remains an essential aspect of volleyball and will likely continue to be so in the future.


When Did Blocking A Serve Become Illegal In Volleyball?

Blocking a serve became illegal in volleyball in 1981, to encourage more aggressive serving.

Can You Touch The Ball Above The Net When Blocking A Serve?

Yes, as long as you do not touch or interfere with the ball on the opponent’s side of the net.

What Happens If You Block A Serve Illegally In Volleyball?

If you block a serve illegally in volleyball, the opposing team earns a point and the serve.


So, when did it become illegal to block a serve in volleyball? We now know that it was in 1999 when the rule change was made. This change helped to level the playing field and put more emphasis on skill and strategy rather than brute strength.

While some may argue that the game was more exciting before the change, it is important to remember that volleyball is a sport that is constantly evolving. Rules are made with the intention of making the game fairer and safer for all players.


Hi, myself Adam John a professional athlete. I love to see sports and always want to find out sports-related all news on my blog. I wish this blog gives you all types of sports news.

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